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What is a Commercial Building Survey?


A Commercial Building Survey is a detailed overview of a buildings condition, which will also take into consideration and provide commentary on legal and regulatory matters, environmental issues and will commonly include a reinstatement cost assessment. A commercial building survey is normally undertaken as part of the building acquisition process (whether this be by the vendor or purchaser) or when a prospective tenant is looking to acquire the leasehold interest of a property. A commercial building survey is sometimes referred to as a technical due diligence survey.

The Commercial Building Survey will provide a detailed description of the building and the condition of the various building elements. The commercial building survey is used to assess whether a property is suitable for acquisition or occupation and will incorporate budget costs for the various recommended works.


When do you need a Commercial Building Survey?


There are numerous scenarios when a commercial building survey will be required. The most common requirement for a commercial building survey is when a party is looking to purchase or acquire an asset. This type of commercial building survey is called a pre acquisition survey. The purpose of this type of commercial building survey is to provide an overview of the condition and any legal matters on behalf of the acquiring party, which will assist with understanding whether a building is fit for purpose, and any risks that can be taken into consideration as part of the purchase.

A commercial building survey can also be completed at the point of selling a building, This type of commercial building survey is referred to as a vendor survey and is produced by the vendor to enable all interested parties to gain an understanding of the condition of the building before they make an offer.

A commercial building survey is also often undertaken on the behalf of a prospective tenant prior to leasehold acquisition. This type of commercial building survey is called a lease acquisition survey. As with the other types of commercial building surveys, this type of survey will also pick on the condition and legal matters, which will impact the occupation of a building.


Any type of commercial building survey should ideally be as completed as early as possible in the acquisition/ occupation process as this will enable all issues raised to be fully consideration and provide the instructing party with a more comprehensive understanding of the implications of the purchase and whether any revisions need to be made to the offer/lease.

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What is included in a Commercial Building Survey?


A commercial building survey is generally completed using a standard format. The majority of commercial building surveys will include a title page and contents page followed by an executive summary. A commercial building survey executive summary will provide an overview of the issues identified, including the indicative budget costs for remediating these issues.

The next part of the commercial building survey will include a brief summary of the scope of the instruction, the brief, any limitations etc. This will then be followed by a description of the property.

The main body of the commercial building survey will then go on to describe the construction of each element and its condition. This section of the commercial building survey will highlight any risks and issues with the property.

The following sections of the commercial building survey will include commentary and concerns regarding legal and statutory matters, environmental issues, and health and safety items. Depending on the scope of the commercial building survey the report may also include a reinstatement cost assessment.

Various appendices may be included within the commercial building survey including any other consultant reports, such as a mechanical and electrical consultant reports, cladding consultants report, Phase 1 environmental survey etc.

Why do I need a Commercial Building Survey?


A commercial building survey provides the instructing party with a holistic overview of the building, including its condition, any legal issues, environmental issues etc. The commercial building survey enables the instructing party to understand the liability they are taking on and can take this into consideration when acquiring or occupying a property. The commercial building survey may mean the party looking to acquire the premises decides not too, or they may revise their offer accordingly.

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