What is a Party Wall Award?
A Party Wall Award is a document that is produced when works are undertaken to a party structure or on the line of the party wall. The requirements for when a Party Wall Award is needed and the process that should be followed is outlined under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. A Party Wall Award can be made between two neighbouring parties or may involve numerous parties if the works are more complex/extensive. Additional parties may be involved if a building has landlords and tenants as a Party Wall Award should be agreed for any party with an interest of 1 year or more in the property.
There are three types of notices/types of work which require a Party Wall Award, which are the following:
- Adjacent Excavation (excavations to a lower level within either 3m or 6m of an existing building)
- Line of junction (building a new wall on or alongside a boundary)
- Party Structure Works (works to an existing party wall such as cutting into, rebuilding, thickening etc.)
When do you need a Party Wall Award?
As mentioned above a Party Wall Award is required when undertaking works to or along a Party Wall. The Party Wall etc. Act should be reviewed if you are unsure of whether the works you are undertaking need a Party Wall Award. If in doubt then you should consult a commercial building surveyor who will be able to advise accordingly.
A certain period of time needs to be given between issuing the Party Wall notice(s) and commencing the works. Therefore due consideration should be given at the earliest to the production of a Party Wall Award.
A Party Wall Award needs to be agreed between the party undertaking the works, and any/all adjoining owners who have an interest in the party wall, which is a year or more. Therefore in some circumstances numerous Party Wall Awards will need to be drafted.