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What is a PPM Schedule?


A PPM Schedule also known as a Planned Preventative Maintenance Schedule is a document that is produced in order to advise a client on the immediate and future maintenance that is required to a property/asset. The main reason for a PPM Schedule is to outline the maintenance requirements of an asset over a given period, which is normally 10 years.

The PPM Schedule will be drafted in a manner to prioritise high risk/critical items in the immediate years, with less essential works planned for latter years. A PPM Schedule will assist facility managers with planning works, enable accurate calculations of service charges and ensure all statutory compliance issues are being met.


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What is included in a PPM Schedule?


A PPM Schedule is typically produced using a standard format. The PPM schedule will include a general description of the property including its use, layout, size, construction type, age etc. The PPM schedule will also confirm the scope of the instruction and the basis on which the PPM schedule has been produced.

The main section of the PPM schedule will be produced in tabular format and be drafted on an elemental basis. Under each element (for example roof), the PPM schedule will list the various sub-elements (such as parapets, flashings etc.). Against each of these sub-elements the PPM schedule will provide a brief description of the condition of the element and the recommended maintenance works. The PPM schedule will include budget costs based on industry standard rates. The PPM schedule will include costs in the year relevant to the priority level. High priority works will be included in Year 1 of the PPM schedule with less urgent works being included in the later years.

This main section of the PPM schedule will generally include the following types of maintenance works:

  • Reactive maintenance ā€“ items requiring immediate attention, securing loose coping stones, roof repairs etc.;
  • Planned maintenance ā€“ single items of work which will not need to be repeated for a number of years such as wholesale renewal of a roof covering;
  • Cyclical maintenance ā€“ maintenance items which need to be repeated every year or two years etc., such as redecorating external parts.

Commentary will also be included in the PPM Schedule which will outline the reasoning for why certain works have been allowed for in certain years, including assumptions on life expectancy, cyclical requirements and phasing of works to assist with budgeting etc.

When do you need a PPM Schedule?


A PPM Schedule should be produced for any multi-let building where there is a service charge. A PPM Schedule may also be undertaken for large single occupier buildings where there is a necessity to understand the maintenance requirements. The PPM Schedule will assist with property and facilities managers in calculating annual service charge amounts. The PPM schedule will also provide facilities managers with a clear list of works that are required in order to maintain the building and comply with statutory requirements. In addition, the PPM schedule will provide property owners and asset managers with an understanding of the general condition of the building and the risks to the assets value.

A PPM Schedule should be reviewed by undertaking a desk-based assessment every 3 years, with a full update to the PPM Schedule including an inspection undertaken every 5 years. The PPM schedule should be used as a working document and continually reviewed and updated in line with the works, which are undertaken, and also to pick up on any additional issues that become apparent.

Why do I need a PPM Schedule?


A PPM Schedule is an extremely useful document for numerous reasons. Firstly, it helps ensure and assist with maintaining a building which means that a property owners interest is suitable protected and maintains its value. The PPM schedule also assists with budgeting and setting service charge amounts, and allows for suitable forecasting should any significant expenditure be required, The PPM schedule will ensure that statutory compliance is adhered to and any health and safety issues are resolved at the earliest.

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