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What is a Schedule of Condition?


A schedule of condition is a document that records the condition of a building at a given time. Depending on the specific requirement of the instruction, a schedule of condition may just cover a single building element, such as a roof, although typically the schedule of condition cover the internal and external parts of a building.

The reasons for requiring a schedule of condition can vary although a schedule of condition is normally completed to accurately record the condition of a building prior to construction works being undertaken, or prior to commencement of a lease. The schedule of condition provides a benchmark that can be assessed after works are complete or lease expires.


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What is included in a Schedule of Condition?


A schedule of condition will include an overview of the property outlining its location, construction type, use, layout etc. and will also provide a brief summary of the current condition of the property. The schedule of condition will define specific condition ratings, which are normally very poor, poor, fair, good and very good. These ratings will then be used throughout the schedule of condition to clarify the condition of certain elements.

The main contents of the schedule of condition are often provide in tabular format and will include a description of the specific element, a summary of the condition with applicable rating, and then a photograph. The level of detail included in a schedule of condition can differ depending upon the requirement. Sometimes a schedule of condition will purely be a photographic schedule of condition which will only include very limited description. A full schedule of condition will include detailed descriptions, quantities/areas, a comprehensive summary of the condition and appropriate photographs.

The schedule of condition may also include a signature page to confirm that the relevant parties agree to the contents of the schedule of condition.

When do you need a Schedule of Condition?


There are numerous scenarios when a schedule of condition is required; a very typical requirement for producing a schedule of condition is as part of agreeing a Party Wall Award. The schedule of condition will record the condition of the buildings or parts of the building(s) prior to the Party Wall works being undertaken. The schedule of condition can be reviewed during and following completion of the works in order to assess whether any disrepair has been caused by the Party Wall works.

Another common requirement for completing a schedule of condition is prior to or at commencement of a lease. The schedule of condition will be drafted to accurately record the condition of the leased premises and will be referred to and appended to the lease. The schedule of condition will be used to limit the tenant’s repair, reinstatement and decoration liability at lease expiry, which is particularly relevant when undertaking a schedule of dilapidations.

Why do I need a Schedule of Condition?


A schedule of condition will provide clarity on the condition of a building or element of a building. The production of a schedule of condition will ensure that the relevant parties are suitably protected and reduce the likelihood of disagreements occurring owing to different opinions/perspectives. A schedule of condition will help limit a tenant’s liability and will also provide a point of reference to check that construction works have not resulted in any disrepair.

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